Top 10 digital signage Myths debunked

The increasing use of digital signage screens for the purpose of promotion and advertising in venues has left investors into thinking about many myths related to it. It is very obvious as most of the investors are not full aware with all the facts and features of digital signage. Here is a clear analysis of some of the common myths associated with the digital signage network.

Myth# 1 Digital Signage is complex and difficult to comprehend
Digital Signage works on the simple formula of publishing promotional content on plasma television screens over a wide ranging viewing arena. Handling digital signage is not rocket science and all that needs to be understood is the working methodology. It doesn't matter the number of screens employed, the content can be remotely updated and can be flashed to multiple screens at the same time.

Myth# 2 The web software used may be insecure
Technology can be unsafe and to protect our systems from online bugs encryptions are used on all pages of transaction. This way the whole digital signage networking system is secured and runs safely all across the web.

Myth# 3 Digital Signage requires massive investment and is costly
There is minimal investment in the installation of the digital signage. Other than that there are no extra costs involved as compared to those in broadcast and print advertising like space selling etc.

Myth# 4 Digital Signage runs on only one IP address
Digital signage does run on the internet however it does not require a static system whatsoever. The content can be controlled manually and the network can be changed too as and when wanted. Other than that, to cut the expenditure on the internet, data storage devices are made use of that can be played accordingly.

Myth# 5 Digital Signage software runs on only one hardware/player
There are many companies who might have faced this problem of running the digital signage software on the player; however, the very simple solution to it is to have Flash and Java run time environment installed on the hardware system you are running it on. There are no other specifications to be met to run the software.

Myth# 6 There is a need of routers and transmitters that are expensive

To make use of a digital signage network all one needs is a display screen, a computer system, cabling and normal internet connection. There is no need of any other device other than these to boost the connection.

Myth# 7 Digital Signage needs a constant internet connection
Delivery of content and ads on digital screens has nothing to do with continuous access to the internet. Yes, the internet is one way of flashing the content but there is no compulsion of continuous connectivity. Content can be effectively managed offline as well and for that play lists are used along with back up storage devices like USB drives.

Myth# 8 Upgradation of software is done annually
Whenever there is a release of a new and updated of the software, it can be upgraded then and there. One doesn't have to wait for a year to do so.

Myth# 9 Costs of LCD/Plasma screens for display are high
As we all know the scope of digital signage is expanding by the day, and so is the demand for LCD screens and plasma TV's, therefore prices are going down. Besides it is a one time investment.

Myth#10 Digital Signage is the only mode of out-of-home-advertising today
Along with digital screens, print media also has out-door advertising with the use of banners and posters, however, the trend of digital signage network is picking up rapidly.

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