Bar Chairs: 7 Tips For a Painless Purchase

When it comes to finding and buying chairs or stools for your bar business there are several simple things you need to keep in mind before making that fateful purchase. Furniture for your bar, pub, or restaurant is a sizeable investment. There is no room for mistakes when making large purchases such as this. So what can you do to make the process a little more painless?

Try Before you Buy

You want your customers to be comfortable. People who feel comfortable in your business are more likely to return. If they feel comfortable enough they are going to tell their friends and invite them to come along. Sit in the furniture before you buy it. Sit in it a while. There are many chairs that are comfortable for a few minutes. An average evening out for a meal and good conversation is going to last at least an hour. It is highly recommended that you try the chair out for at least half that time, if not a full hour in order to see if it is comfortable for the duration.

You can further improve upon that by having people of various heights, weights, and proportions try out the bar chairs as well. You want a chair that is comfortable for as many variables as possible since your customers do not typically come in one size.

Make Sure the Chair is the Right Height

This may sound simplistic but there are variations that make bar chairs and stools that may offer seating at the same height inappropriate or poor fits for bars or bar tables. Make sure to measure at least twice in order to determine whether or not the bar chair is a proper fit for your individual situation.

You want to insure that the bar chairs will fit comfortably beneath the bar or tables while allowing plenty of leg room, swivel room, and breathing room. You always want to make every possible effort to insure the comfort of your guests.

Measure Your Space

You need to know how much space you have available between tables, how much space the chairs you've selected occupy and how many tables and chairs will fit. If your business is a restaurant or a bar then you want to be able to get as many people as possible into that space comfortably. This means you will want bar chairs and stools that occupy a smaller profile. The more people you can serve at any given time the greater your potential for profit.

In other words, chairs that are space hogs are generally not ideally suited to greater profits unless you are going for a very specific clientele and need these types of chairs in order to cater to your target customer.

Get at Least Two Positive Opinions

You need to have at least two people, other than yourself, take a seat, have a look, and give an opinion of the bar chairs that you are considering for your restaurant, club, pub, or bar. The goal is not to keep going until you have two positives but to have to more positive than negative opinions.

You may believe you have excellent tastes and talents when it comes to selecting bar chairs and décor. The problem is that your tastes may not be moderate enough to appeal to a larger audience. Sometimes it is best to hire professional designers and/or decorators in order to find the right furniture for your business needs. Getting feedback and opinions of others is a wise method of determining whether or not might benefit from these beneficial services.

See the Bar Chair with the Bar Before Buying

You may need to purchase one chair in order to do this but spending the money on one chair that will not work for you is much more cost effective than having an entire bar filled with bar chairs that do not work well or look right inside the bar. See the chair in the surroundings that it will ultimately occupy. This will let you know of any colouration issues, height issues, wood grain issues, or simple style issues before making the costly mistake of buying furniture for your bar that does not contribute to the atmosphere you are trying to create.

Compare Prices

There are many businesses that sell furniture for bars, restaurants, clubs, and pubs. It makes sense that while the prices may be relatively similar there are differences from one business to the next that make doing business with one supplier more beneficial than doing business with another. Compare not only the price on the sales tag but also bonus gifts, shipping, and replacement policies as well as the price of warranties, extended warranties, and other incidental expenses that go along with the bar chairs you will be buying. You might find that a supplier that provides a higher price tag on the furniture is actually a better deal over all. This tip alone can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars on your bar furniture purchase.

Don't Buy the First Bar Chair You Find

You will be amazed at how many people go and pick the first bar chairs they come across to go in their businesses. Your bar furniture is important for many reasons. It is very important that you put a good deal of care and thought into the furniture you purchase. You need to look around. While you may ultimately go back to the first bar furniture you set your sights on you may also find something that is infinitely better by spending a little time shopping around. You should also avoid making impulse buys. Think about your options for at least a full day before making your purchase.

These 7 tips will help you find the best possible bar chairs for your business. Read them over and memorize them before ever attempting to go out and buy furniture for your bar business. They will save you many hassles, headaches, bad decisions, and could actually save you a great deal of money.


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