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Designer Rugs at The Darling

The Darling Hotel at The Star, designed by DBI Design, features the 'Haru' rug by Akira Isogawa for Designer Rugs.

According to DBI Design, the Darling Hotel presented an irresistible mix of an urban design hotel with an aim to infuse guests with a sense of Sydney's personality through the fields of art, fashion and design.

The entry lobby is the guest's first introduction to the hotel and their task was to create a welcoming space which whilst architecturally monumental in scale, is warm, inviting and has a sense of fun and occasion. The Designer Rugs, Akira Isogawa rugs fill the lobby with colour; the artwork to DBI spoke volumes of Sydney's potent cultural mix and free thinking spirit, whilst adding art and richness to the lobby lounge settings.

Designer Rugs played an integral part in customising the scale and colour.

Photo: Anna Goh (Executive Interior Designer, DBI Design), Erin Shaw ( Interior Designer, DBI Design) and Akira Isogawa.

Designer Rugs

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